The Cornelius Lab
The Cornelius Lab at EMU investigates behavioral and physiological responses to environmental change with an emphasis on species that cope with high degrees of resource unpredictability. We utilize experimental field approaches and controlled captive studies to investigate diverse yet interconnected research topics including molt, migration, reproduction, winter adaptation, metabolism, learning and stress in birds.
Current Projects
Social Influences on Behavior and Physiology
Does your neighbor's behavior affect your stress physiology? Can songbirds learn novel foraging tasks by watching their neighbor?
Field Metabolics of Songbirds
Biology is the study of life and all life depends on energy! We use heart rate transmitters to measure real-time energy costs of life in wild, free-living birds.
Photo Credit: Paul Vuocolo
Migratory Biology of Songbirds
Birds move to make the most of resources or to escape bad situations. We study facultative type migrations: nomadic and irruptive movements that help birds cope with unpredictable resources.